Balcony Cracks Miami Condominiums/ Sample Engineering Report

Champlain Towers Structural Field Report 2018
 [Sample Purpose]



Balcony covering in Penn Manor. 

Condensation Drains, Balcony Edge Detail Penn Manor


Balcony Carpet Penn Manor

balcony carpeting dangerous trapped moisture ruins steel
Balcony Carpeting Dangerous Trapped Moisture Ruins Steel 1991 Article South Florida Sun Sentinel


Experts advise against carpeting elevated balconies. Carpet traps salt and moisture, which corrode steel reinforcing bars inside the balconies. This can break up the concrete and eat away the steel supports. Here are a few tips if you have a carpeted balcony:

--REMOVE the carpet.

--INSPECT the balcony for signs of cracking or crumbling.

--CONSIDER inspecting the balcony from a neighbor's balcony below, again looking for signs of decay.

--CALL your building manager at the first indication of a problem.

--MAKE SURE a qualified engineer inspects the damage.

--If you have a ground-floor patio, don't worry. Carpeting it is OK.

SOURCES: Pompano Beach assistant building official; Hi-Rise Repair Corp"

Steel Reinforcement Beam On Ocean Drive Property


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