210 / 0242040090100


Unit #210 / Bathroom renovation, Installation of 40 sqft porcelain floors with soundproofing. Bathroom Only
Comments: BC1808647 08-24-18 1. -To properly check responses to comments, provide a narrative of responses to comments showing location of corrections. Cloud-in and number in BOLD the latest revision. 2. -State that code in effect is FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, BUILDING & EXISTING 2017 3. -Show a concise description of the scope of work. Include all types of work in all spaces. 4. -Show on plans locations of adjacent units and corridors in compliance with FBCB107.3.5 5. -Provide a detail (NRTL approved system) for any fire rated partition when work is done against it. Replacing wall tiles will make it compromised (Min 1 hr if Demising wall separating from adjacent units and/or corridor, and min 2hrs if against a utility room, stairwell, utility shaft, or another townhouse), in compliance with chapter 7- FBCB 2017. Include another detail for joints system and another for penetrations in walls matching the same rating. Indicate the rating of fire rated walls on the floor plan. Type of wall has to match existing whether it is Masonry or framed. 6. -Show a min ½” cementitious panel as backing board in wet areas inside bathrooms. FBCB 2509.2. Thickness and type must match the composition of the wall detail if a (NRTL approved system) is being used in wet areas. 7. -Provide wall tiles in bathroom wet areas to 6 feet or 72 inches minimum above drain in compliance with FBCB 1210.2.3. 8. -Show safety glass category II for any glazing in bathrooms, guardrails or hazardous locations. FBCB 2406. 9. -Shower door that shall have a minimum clear and unobstructed finished width of 22 (32nominal for FHA) inches. FBCP 417.4.2 10. -Show on plans ½ inch maximum thresholds or floor transitions inside the unit. FBCB 1010.1.5&7 11. -Show on plans: “All new finishes (wall/ceiling/floor/Trim/Decor), are to comply with FBCB Chapter 8, for Flame Spread and Smoke Development Classification”

 Comments: General Correction -Show all fixture clearances to verify compliance with FBC Plb 405.3.1. -Provide fixture compliance with referenced standards as per FBC Plb 406 through 421. -Provide maximum water consumption compliance with Miami Dade Article lll, sec. 08-31. -Provide shower access compliance with FBC Plb 417.4.2. -Provide interior shower dimensions as per FBC Plb 417.4. -Provide shower valve compliance with pressure balance/temperature control requirements as per FBC Plb 424.3